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Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 1, 2015

Changed Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 04]

Hello! This is A.J. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for Changed. Okay, let’s start.
In the beginning, the woman writes: “ My husband of 39 years ( So they have been married 39 years) . My husban d of 39 years no longer hugs me…”
“No longer” means not any more. “No longer” means in the past, yes, in the past he did it , in the past he did, but now he does not. So he’s no longer hugs me. “Hugs”, “hugs” means hold (H-O-L-D). Right, “hug” means to hold someone that you like or love. To hug. Okey, so, “her husband does not hug her any more.” 
“…n o longer hugs me or show me any affection . ”
“Affection”, “affection” means kindness, love. Usually affection means touching, touching somehow , maybe kissing, maybe hugging, maybe holding, those are all affection, “affection”.  So “affection” means how you show your love, kissing, hugging, holding hands, those are all affection. Ok so” no more affection from him.”
She said, “ I have seen him through cancer and diabetes. ”
“Diabetes”, “Diabetes”, diabetes is a blood sugar. Desease. Blood sugar, desease, blood sugar  problem. Cancer… probably we know cancer, cancer is a serious desease, serious desease. Hurt to your cure (cure: c-u-r-e,  c-u-r-e). So cancer is hurt to your cure, difficult to cure.
So her husband in the past, in the past he had cancer and diatetes. She said, “ I have seen him through , seen him through cancer and diatetes.”
Okey, to “see someone through”  means you helped them with. Alright, it means stayed with them, you stayed with them and you helped them. So “I have seen him through cancer” means I stayed with him and helped him when he had cancer.  Ok, When he had cancer I did not leave. I stayed and I helped him. That’s what “See him through” or “Seen him through” means.
For example I might say, “My mom saw me through many deseases.” Ok. When I was a child, I was sick, my mom saw me through those deseases. Alright.She stayed with me, she took care of me, she helped me, she saw me through. Ok!
So this wife saw him through cancer and diabetes. She stayed with him, she helped him.  Learn the hook phrase “to see someone through. “
Alright! Don’t worry about each word. Each word, you think *** I don’t understand!  Hhhaha.  Alright, just remember the  hook phrase (the three
words together).  To see someone through something, some problem, see someone though problem.
Okay! She said ,  “we have four grown chirldren… .” (okay, the chirldren are older now, they’re adults) “.. . and we have been seeing a therapist for a year and a half. ” 
“A therapist” , a therapist is a professional helper. Maybe a  *** , maybe a family canceler . So, a therapist help you with your problems. You talk to them and they help you.  So maybe if you feel bad, you say “oh I feel bad, I’m sad” and the therapist talk to you, help you feel better.
So, the husband and the wife are going to a therapist, seeing a therapist.
“Seeing”, here “seeing” means meeting (m-e-e-t), meeting or going to. Alright, so sometimes the…the verb “see” has a different meaning. It means to meet or to go to. Sometimes it means to date (like a man or a woman. alright, so I’m seeing her means I’m dating her, going with her, I’m meeting her a lot). So they’re meeting a therapist a lot. They’re seeing a therapist.
They started a year and a half ago. They go, they say, “we have problems. Please help us”. Okay!
So she … then she said,  “ he is kind, generous and fiendly. Ok so her husband is nice. But there are no compliments. ”
“Compliments”, “compliments”. A compliment is a nice word or sentence about someone. You say something nice to someone. For example, you say “oh, you are very beautiful!” okay? That’s sentence. “you are very beautiful!” That is a compliment. Alright. Something nice you say to another person, it’s a compliment. So her husband does not say nice things to her now. Not any more, no more compliments.
And also she said , “ there are no compliments or any of the  flirtatious banter we use to enjoy. ”
“Banter”, “banter” means fun conversation, not serious, not serious. “banter” is not serious conversation. Banter is fun conversation. And maybe funny conversation.
“Flirtatious”, Okay this come from “flirt”. To flirt verb. To flirt means to attract the opposite sex. E.G, a man talks to a woman because she is beautiful. He say “oh, I like you. You are pretty! Come to dinner with me”. Ok that, we call that flirting, flirting. Talking to someone you want a date with. Talking to someone you are acttacting to, someone you like. So flirtatious (it’s an adjective), so “flirtatious banter”, the phrase . Flirtatious banter means fun conversation about dating or about affection, or maybe about sex. That’s flirtatious banter.  It’s plain… plain with conversation. With someone you like. Maybe husband and wife . maybe woman and man. We call that flirtatious banter.  fun conversation between a man and a woman. Okay! So, but that’s not, that’s not happening now.
Finally last pargraphe, she said, “He swears he’s not having an affair.” 
Ok the verb to “swear” . To “swear”, here to swear means to promise, to promise . so he promises he’s not having an affair. He swears. “Swear” has another meaning. So be careful. “Swear” also means to say  bad word like “shit”. If you say “shit” then you are swearing. So that’s the second meaning. But here, here “swear” means to promise, to promise. “ He pr omises, he swears he’s not having an affair ”. Okay!
An affair, an affair is… means, an affair means dating another person when you are married. So if you are married but you have another girlfriend or boyfriend, then you are having an affair. Okay? So, an affair means seeing an extra girlfriend, or boyfriend.  Or meeting an extra girlfriend or boyfriend. That’s having an affair. We use the verb “having an affair” . So he promises he’s not having an affair. He doesn’t having another woman.
And he doesn’t know why he has changed. He doesn’t know why he’s not showing  affection, he’s not fun with this wife any more. He doesn’t know why.
And then finally she says, “Herhaps you do?”
 “You” meaning Abby. Alright, or us hhhhhh. Us, the people reading the letter. Perhaps we know.    This *** question. 
Okay that is all, that is all of the vocabulary.  
She sign this: GRACE IN PHOENIX . “Grace” is a woman’s name. okay! GRACE is a name. Phoenix is a city. Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona is a State, Phoenix is a city. And Phoenix, Arizona is in the Southwest part of the United States. So, she lives in Phoenix, Arizona.
Okay, that is all of the vocabulary lesson. Listen to it many times. Bye!      

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business. Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.Thank you!

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