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Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 1, 2015

Intimacy Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 06]

 Hello. Welcome to the Intimacy vocabulary lesson. Let’s start from the beginning.
A woman writes: “Dear Abby, my husband, James and I have been married only three years.”
So they’ve  got married 3 years ago.
We are both in our 20s.
 “In our twentys” means  they could be 21 years old, or 24, or 29. They are twenty-something years old. That’s what “in our 20s” means. If I say, “I am in my thirtys”. Then it’s very general. Maybe I’m 31. Maybe I 39, maybe I’m 35. I am thirtys-something. I am in my thirtys. They are in their 30s, in their 30s.
She said, “Everything is really great…”
So they have a good relationship
“…Except our sex life.”
So sex between them is not good.
Then she writes, “As far as he is concerned…”
Conc….. “As far as he is concerned” means in his opinion, in his opinion or it can also mean about him. So, about him that’s fine, too. Or in his opinion that’s fine, too.  As far as he is concerned, it means about him, about her husband. The husband thinks the sex life is fine. The husband thinks their sex life is OK.  “As far as he is concerned”. So about him, his opinion it’s fine. But, “as far as she is concerned”, meaning her opinion, about her it’s not fine. 
She says, “I’m not satisfied”  (Not happy).
She says, “ It may seems odd to hear the female  wants to have sex more frequently”.
 “Odd” here means strange, “odd” means strange, strange. It may seems strange, or another word is weird It may seems weird, it may seems strange, it may seems not normal. “odd”,”odd”. Not normal or strange.  
So, “it may seems odd to hear the female  wants to have sex more frequenly”. 
“Frequently”, here “frequently” means offten,offten, frequently. She wants sex more often than him/ She wants sex more frequently than him.
“And he is is a young and healthy male.”
“Male” means man. Of course! So, he is young healthy man, but she wants sex more with him.
She said, “This may seem odd (may seem strange, may seem odd). But that’s the case in our relationship.
“That’s the case”. The “case”, the “case”. Here, the “case” means the situation. The situation. That’s the situation in our relationship.  That’s the case in our relationship, situation,  “the case”, ”the case” means situation . “That’s the case in our relationship”.
Then, the second paragraph she said, “Abby,…”
“Abby” is the woman. She wants help from Abby, answer this letter. She gives advice. So, “Abby” is a name. the woman name.
So, “Abby, I work with the public…”
“Public” means people. Alright. All people, general people. So, fell with the public, you work with people. So, maybe in a store. Alright. People come to the store (many different people). That’s the public. She works with the public. She’s not in office. She works with the people. She’s customer. She sees people at her job.
She said, “I work with the public, a d I get frequent remarks…”
“Frequent remarks”. “Frequent” means… means many times. Many times. Frequent/Many times, Or a lot. Happening a lot. Really many times. It’s the meaning of “frequent”. 
So many times she gets remarks. A “remark” is a common… is a common. “A remark” just mean something, someone said. It’s a word or a sentence. They remark, they remark. So she gets many remarks. Many times people say something to her. 
And she gets remarks, “… about what a beautiful woman I am.”
Ouh. They tell her she is beautiful. Many times people tell her she is beautiful. They say, “Oh, you are so beautiful!” So, this happens a lot.
So, she says, “ This makes it hard for me to believe that I don’t attact him at all.”
Him. “him” is her husband. 
So, she can’t believe 
He doesn’t want me, doesn’t think I’m beautiful. I can’t believe that. Other people say I’m beautiful. So, my husband should think I’m beautiful also. Okay.
Next sentence she said, “I have expressed many times.”
“Express” means say. So, she had said many times. She have expressed many times. “Express” just means “say no” or “to say”. So she had say many times.
She had expressed many times, “that I wish we were more intimate.”
She said to her husband, “I wish we were more intimate.”
“Intimate” means very close. Imotionaly. Alright. It means close felling love or romance. Intimacy or intimate. Here acjective “intimate”: close felling. Sometimes “intimate” means sex. It means really romantic sex. Romantic sex. “Intimate”. “We are intimate” means we are having romantic sex.  ….A lot to her husband I want more romantic sex. I want to be more intimate. Okay.
She said, “I have even expressed this to him. I have even said it to him in more than one letter.
  Uhm… She wrote him letter about this problem. She was hoping to reached him.
To “ reached hime”, to reached someone means they understand you. It means to communicate. So they understand you. They say “I want to reached him” means I wanted to communicate and then he understand me. I want to reached her means I want her to understand me. 
Last paragraph she says, “ I am at a total loss.”
At a total loss. “At a total loss” means I have no more ideas. Means I don’t know what to do. I am at a total loss.  Means I don’t know what to do.. alright. No more ideas. She’s at a total loss about how to make him realize…”
“realize” means understand. Realize/understand. How to make  hime realize how important this is to me.
So she wants her husband to understand that sex is very important for her. But how? How can she make him understand? How can she reach him? 
And then she ask “Abby. She is asking us and she asking Abby, “Is there something wrong with my body? I don’t know who to turn to for advice on this subject”.
“to turn to”, “ turn to” means who to ask. “to turn to someone” means you ask for help. Say, “I trun to my mother for help” means I asked my mother for help. “I turn to my friend for help”, means I ask my friend for help.
she doesn't know who to ask for help. So, she's writing this letter. And finally she says, “please help me.” 
Okay. And she signs it. Her… She signs it. This is not her real name but she signs it “Short on intimacy in Ohio”
“Ohio” is a state in the United States, in America. It's a state, it’s in middle of the country.” Ohio”.  So she lives in Ohio. 
And she says she is “short on intimacy”. “Intimacy (we already talked about) short on”, to be short on something means you don't have enough of something. “I am short on money” means I don't have enough money. “I'm short on food” means I don't have enough food. She is short on intimacy. She doesn't have enough intimacy. She doesn't have enough close romantic feelings or romantic sex with her husband.

Okay that is all. Please listen to this vocabulary lesson many times. Every day and then listen to the mini story.  

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business. Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.Thank you!

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