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Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 1, 2015

Secret Love Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 07]

Hello. Welcome to Effortless English! This lesson is Secret Love vocabulary. Okay, let’s start.
In the beginning of the letter we have the word “hesitates”, “Woman hesitates”, “woman hesitates”. “Hesitates” means waits. To wait. To not do something yet. That’s “hesitates”. So, the woman is waiting to do something. She is not doing something yet. Not yet/Hesitates, woman hesitates. Okay.
Our nexr word is “reveal”. To “reaveal”. To “reveal” means to show, to show.To “reveal”  means to show something that was secret. So, it was secret, now you show it, you are revealing it. “Reavel”, show something that was secret. To reveal, to  reveal.
Okay. Our next owrd is “Colleagua”, “Colleagua”. “The woman hesitates to reveal secret love for colleagua”. “Colleagua”, “colleagua” A colleagua is a coworker. Someone you work with, someone at your job, a colleagua. A colleagua, someone in your same job. “Colleagua,” “colleagua”.
Okay. Our next phrase is “with whom”, “with whom” (sentence number two), “I recently fell in love with a wonderful man with whom I spend a great deal of time”. “With whom” or “with who”. Sometime people say “with who”. In fact, “with who” is more normal. “With who” or “with whom”, it means the person you do something with. So, she’s talking about the man, “with whom” means the man in the sentence. “Who” or “whom” just replied “the man”.
Okay. So, she’s  in love with the man and she spend a lot of time with him. Okay? “with whom” or “with him”.
Okay, our next sentence, “He is unaware of my fellings”.
“Unaware”. ”Unaware” means not aware. “Aware” means to know about something. You know about it. So, “unaware” means you don’t know about it. The man doesn’t know how she fells, the man doesn’t know she loves him, the man is anaware. Unaware; Doesn’t know; unaware.
Our next word is “ intensity”. “He is unaware of the intensity of my felling”.
 “Intensity” means power. Power. Power. Intensity. Intensity;Power. “Intensity” means power. Okay?
Then at the end we have the phrase (phrase: more than one word), “fear of rejection”. “Fear of rejection”. “Fear” means afraid. Alright. “Of rejection”. “Of rejection”. “Rejection” means soeone say “no”. It means to say “no” to someone. “Rejection”; To say “no” to someone, someone wants something. For Example, “Please give me five dollars”, - I say, “No, no. I will not give you five dollars”. That is “Rejection”. Alright, What I say is rejection, to say “no” to something someone wants. 
She’s afraid it of rejection, she is afraid the man will say no. She will ask, “please date me”, “please can we do something together”, “Please… I love you”. And he will say “No. No no”. That is what she is afraid of. She's afraid of rejection. She's afraid he will say no to her. 
Okay, next paragraph she says, “there are a couple of additional (“Additional” means more, more) concerns.” 
“Concerns”, “concerns” are worries ( it’s a noun here), it means worries. She has more worries, she has more concerns, concerns. Concerns are worries. Okay?
“He is 15 years my senior.”
“Senior” means older. “Older fifteen years my senior” means fifteen years older than me. So, he is 15 years older. Fifteen years her senior, fifteen years her senior.  She writes, “he is 15 years my senior”.
Ok. “Another concern;Another worry I am in a lower economic class”
“Economic class”, “economic class”.  “Economic” means money, about money;economic. “Class”, here “class” means level. “Economic class” means money level. Poor or middle, or rich. He is a doctor, so maybe he is rich. She is a
social worker, so maybe she is poor. Lower  economic class, lower money level; economic class.
Also are they have different religions, but she says, “we have similar… (similar: almost the same) ..we have similar believes and values” 
“Values”, “values” means things that are important to you.  Things that are important. So they think the same things are important. For example, maybe family, say, “family is important to me”;  “family is a value for me”. Values or value.
Okay last paragraph she says, “I am interested…”,  “I’m interested in…” “I’m interested in” means I want to.  “ I'm interested in pursuing a deeper relationship with this man ” .
“Pursuing a deeper relationship”. “Pursuing” means trying to get trying to get or following.  Following and trying to get. So, she wants to get, she's pursuing a deeper relationship with him.
“Relationship” means… friendship, or dating, or married. It means… communication between to people. It means connection between to people. Connection between two people.
And “deeper” means more serious, more serious. So she wants a more serious connection with him. Not only friends. She wants to date him, she wants to be close to him. 
But she wants our advice, she wants to know what should she do. “Tell me what to do and she thank us. She says “thank you for your thoughts on this” 
“Thank you for your thoughts”.  “Thoughts” here means ideas. Thank you for your ideas. She’s asking us for advice, “Tell me what to do”. …She’s asking Abby, and then she’s thanking her, thanking her, “Oh, thank you for telling me your ideas”. Because she thinks Abby will give her a good answer.
Finaly, the signature she signs it. Not her real name. She signs it, “longing for more in Chicago”
“Longing for more in Chicago”. Chicago is a city. Of course. So she lives in Chicago. “Longing for”, to “long for something”, to “long for something” means to really really want something. To want something a lot and think about it a lot. For example, “I long for money”, it means I want money so much I think about money all the time. I dream about money. Or I long for love, it means I think
about love all the time, I want love really really really badly a lot. I really want love a lot. I long for love, or right now I am longing for love. 
She is longing for more means more connection, more feelings with this man. And she lives in Chicago.
Okay listen to this vocabulary lesson everyday. Maybe two times everyday, maybe five times everyday. Keep listening, continue to listen and tell you now all of the vocabulary. Also use a dictionary if you need to. Use a dictionary and translate these words to your language, find hesitate in your dictionary. Find the meaning in your language. That will also help you. 

After you know the vocabulary very well go to the next lesson, the mini story, lesson number one. Okay. See you soon!  

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business. Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.Thank you!

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