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Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 9, 2015

Nudist Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV2 > 07]

Hello! Welcome to the vocabulary audio for the Nudist lesson. Let's get started. Vocabulary.
 "Neighbors get an eyeful when nudist steps outside."
To talk about and eyeful. "To get an eyeful" means to see a lot. Alright. It means feels your eyes. He say, "Wow! That was an eyeful." Or "I got an eyeful", it means you saw a lot, a lot of something.
In this case, a lot of somebody's body. And it talks about when the nudist steps outside.
"Nude", (N-U-D-E), means without clothes. Alright. No clothes. Naked. "Nude" and "naked" are similar.
But a nudist is a person who does not wear clothes. And it's a... We can also use it as an additive.
For example, "a nudist beach", is a beach for people who don't wear clothes. You go to the nudist beach and nobody's wearing clothes. (Sometimes we also say, "a nude beach".)
So, a nudist is a person who does not wear clothes.
 Alright. And then she says in the letter Dear Abby, we have a male name neighbor I call "Flash".
"Flash", is a slang for somebody who is nude, does not wear clothes, that you know... runs around very fast. They run around without clothes. So this is their funny nickname for their neighbor, the guy who lives near them.
And he frequently, often walked outside to get his newspaper. Or go to them get the mail or retrieve something from his car.
"To retrieve" means to get something and bring it back. So if he retrieve something from his car, it means he goes to his car, he gets something from the car,  and he brings it back inside the house.
Sometimes we talk about dogs. Dogs will retrieve, right? You throw *** stick. The dog runs, gets the stick and brings the stick back to you. That's retrieve, or retrieving. "To retrieve".
Okay. So this guy retrieve something from his car and he's naked. He's naked  when he does it. He's nude or naked.
"Nude" and "naked" have the same meaning. They mean no clothes. So, this guy naked. he goes to his cl.... his car, he goes to the mailbox, but he's naked. No clothes.
Okay and... She says that... you know, many people in the neighborhood, especially women, they don't like to look at his house, because they're afraid,right?
They're afraid that if they look they will see him in the buff.
"In the buff", "in the buff" is a slang. It means naked. It's another way to say "naked" or "nude". "No clothes". "In the buff".
"He is in the buff" means he is naked, he has no clothes. "In the buff", "in the buff."
Okay! So this guys always in the buff. (He doesn't have clothes on, right?)
And will be in the buff, standing at his door, or standing in front of his window or walking out side in front of his house, and she says, Flash, her nickname for this guy "Flash". He the basically likable. He's a nice guy.
"Likable" means easy to like, friendly. And he's generally... He's generally helpful guy.
And she says, "We hesitate to say anything."
"To hesitate". "To hesitate" means to wait to do something. Itmeans you want to do something. You... You are planning to do something, but you wait first. You're not sure. So you wait.
So they want to say something to this man. They want to say something to Flash, but then they stop. (oh) "Maybe we shouldn't."
Alright. They think and, "Oh, I don't know, maybe, should we say something? Should we not?" They hesitate. They wait to say something.
She says they don't want to destroy their friendship. Their relationship with him. So that's why they hesitate. That's why they're waiting. That's why they don't take action.
Okay. She said, in her city, she's from Austin, Texas. Austin, Texas is a liberal city, a college city and the capital of Texas. It's probably the only liberal city in Texas.
But anyway, she said in their city in Austin, it's not against the law to be a nudist. So if you are someone who likes to be naked in Austin, its okay. The police will not grab you. You can walk around your house. You can walk around your yard, outside your house. Nude; naked; in the buff.
Okay. And also women can go topless in public in Austin. A woman can take off her shirt and walk around of Texas. No problem.
So, they can't call the police. It's not a possibility. The police won't do anything.
She says, "However to see a fella streak to his car is surprising and unsettling."
Alright. "Fella". "Fella" means guy. Alright! “G-U-Y” or man; a fella. It kinda old word, really. …. Not many people say “fella” anymore. You might have heard the… the movie Goodfellas, right? It means good guys or good men. So “fella” means man or guy; fella. But it's an old word. Maybe in 1915.
Okay! In the verb “to streak”. She says, “To see a fella streak to his car…”
“To streak” means to run naked, to run nude, to run naked. So you have no clothes and then you run across the… the street, or you run somewhere. So you're running in you’re in the buff.  You're running and you're naked, that's called streaking or to streak. (The verb is “to streak”).
She says, “this is unsettling…”
“Unsettling”. “Unsettling” means something that upsets you. Something that makes you… may be angry or may be sad, or maybe shocked and surprise. The emotion is called “unsettled”.
Alright.  She say, “I feel unsettled” it means you feel a little strange. You feel a little nervous, maybe. You feel a little bit wrong, a little upset. It's not a strong word if you say “I feel unsettled”, it's not strong, its weaker than upset.
“Upset” is strong, “I'm upset” means you feel strong emotion. If you say, “I feel unsettled”, it means you feel a little wrong but it's not too strong. It’s not, not, not very strong.
 Okay. And then she says, “In the normal course of things”.
“In the normal course if things”, that's a common phrase. It means, in normal life, in normal daily life,  in the normal course of things.
He, Flash (is a neighbor). he may be spotted in the nude once a week.
“To be spotted” means to be seen. Alright.  “To spot”, the verb. “To spot means to see something. Usually it means to see something that is hard to find. Alright. It means you're looking and finally,  “Ah, I see it”,  “ah I spotted”. Alright. So we use pot when something is difficult to find or maybe you don't want to see it. In this case you don't want to see it.
So she says she spots him in the nude once a week. She sees him in the nude or in the buff once a week.
She says, “I'm sure this happens more, but luckily, thankfully our paths don't cross more than once a week.”
Okay. She says “our paths don't cross”, it means we don't meet each other. The phrase “to cross paths”. “Path”, “a path” is like a road, right? It's a road for walking. So if you say “to cross paths”, means to meet another person. Alright! You're walking on a little road. They're walking on a little road. And your roads cross each other. So you meet each other.
So, it's kinda an idiom. “To cross paths” means to meet somebody. Usually, it's to meet somebody suddenly. It similar to, to bump into. Alright! I… “I bumped into her yesterday”, it means you met somebody yesterday. You were not planning to meet them, but by accident, oh you met them,
-        Hi! How are you?
-       Oh! Hi, how are you?
The same you could say, “We crossed paths yesterday”. Alright! We crossed paths yesterday. We met each other yesterday.
Okay. She says this happens once a week. She crossed paths with the naked guy once
 week.  She sees him once a week.

And finally, she  asks Abby is this something we should be worried about/concerned about?
“to be concerned” means to be worried. “Concern” means worry.

And finally she signs her name. She signs it, “Startled in Austin, Texas”.
“Startled” means surprise or shock. Sometimes both ideas, surprised and shocked: startled.
So if I.. “AHHH!”
If I shout suddenly, alright? I startled you. I can use it as a verb. I startle you. I startle you, it means I surprise you.
 It can also be an emotion. You can say “I was startled”. Alright! “He made me feel startled”
So it can be a feeling. So, you say startle. An emotion and an adjective, or it can be a verb. “He startled me”, “he surprised me”.
 All right. That is all for the vocabulary for the nudists lesson. Go on to the mini story.
See you next time. Bye bye!

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