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Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 1, 2015

Secret Love Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 07]

Hello. Welcome to Effortless English! This lesson is Secret Love vocabulary. Okay, let’s start.
In the beginning of the letter we have the word “hesitates”, “Woman hesitates”, “woman hesitates”. “Hesitates” means waits. To wait. To not do something yet. That’s “hesitates”. So, the woman is waiting to do something. She is not doing something yet. Not yet/Hesitates, woman hesitates. Okay.
Our nexr word is “reveal”. To “reaveal”. To “reveal” means to show, to show.To “reveal”  means to show something that was secret. So, it was secret, now you show it, you are revealing it. “Reavel”, show something that was secret. To reveal, to  reveal.
Okay. Our next owrd is “Colleagua”, “Colleagua”. “The woman hesitates to reveal secret love for colleagua”. “Colleagua”, “colleagua” A colleagua is a coworker. Someone you work with, someone at your job, a colleagua. A colleagua, someone in your same job. “Colleagua,” “colleagua”.
Okay. Our next phrase is “with whom”, “with whom” (sentence number two), “I recently fell in love with a wonderful man with whom I spend a great deal of time”. “With whom” or “with who”. Sometime people say “with who”. In fact, “with who” is more normal. “With who” or “with whom”, it means the person you do something with. So, she’s talking about the man, “with whom” means the man in the sentence. “Who” or “whom” just replied “the man”.
Okay. So, she’s  in love with the man and she spend a lot of time with him. Okay? “with whom” or “with him”.
Okay, our next sentence, “He is unaware of my fellings”.
“Unaware”. ”Unaware” means not aware. “Aware” means to know about something. You know about it. So, “unaware” means you don’t know about it. The man doesn’t know how she fells, the man doesn’t know she loves him, the man is anaware. Unaware; Doesn’t know; unaware.
Our next word is “ intensity”. “He is unaware of the intensity of my felling”.
 “Intensity” means power. Power. Power. Intensity. Intensity;Power. “Intensity” means power. Okay?
Then at the end we have the phrase (phrase: more than one word), “fear of rejection”. “Fear of rejection”. “Fear” means afraid. Alright. “Of rejection”. “Of rejection”. “Rejection” means soeone say “no”. It means to say “no” to someone. “Rejection”; To say “no” to someone, someone wants something. For Example, “Please give me five dollars”, - I say, “No, no. I will not give you five dollars”. That is “Rejection”. Alright, What I say is rejection, to say “no” to something someone wants. 
She’s afraid it of rejection, she is afraid the man will say no. She will ask, “please date me”, “please can we do something together”, “Please… I love you”. And he will say “No. No no”. That is what she is afraid of. She's afraid of rejection. She's afraid he will say no to her. 
Okay, next paragraph she says, “there are a couple of additional (“Additional” means more, more) concerns.” 
“Concerns”, “concerns” are worries ( it’s a noun here), it means worries. She has more worries, she has more concerns, concerns. Concerns are worries. Okay?
“He is 15 years my senior.”
“Senior” means older. “Older fifteen years my senior” means fifteen years older than me. So, he is 15 years older. Fifteen years her senior, fifteen years her senior.  She writes, “he is 15 years my senior”.
Ok. “Another concern;Another worry I am in a lower economic class”
“Economic class”, “economic class”.  “Economic” means money, about money;economic. “Class”, here “class” means level. “Economic class” means money level. Poor or middle, or rich. He is a doctor, so maybe he is rich. She is a
social worker, so maybe she is poor. Lower  economic class, lower money level; economic class.
Also are they have different religions, but she says, “we have similar… (similar: almost the same) ..we have similar believes and values” 
“Values”, “values” means things that are important to you.  Things that are important. So they think the same things are important. For example, maybe family, say, “family is important to me”;  “family is a value for me”. Values or value.
Okay last paragraph she says, “I am interested…”,  “I’m interested in…” “I’m interested in” means I want to.  “ I'm interested in pursuing a deeper relationship with this man ” .
“Pursuing a deeper relationship”. “Pursuing” means trying to get trying to get or following.  Following and trying to get. So, she wants to get, she's pursuing a deeper relationship with him.
“Relationship” means… friendship, or dating, or married. It means… communication between to people. It means connection between to people. Connection between two people.
And “deeper” means more serious, more serious. So she wants a more serious connection with him. Not only friends. She wants to date him, she wants to be close to him. 
But she wants our advice, she wants to know what should she do. “Tell me what to do and she thank us. She says “thank you for your thoughts on this” 
“Thank you for your thoughts”.  “Thoughts” here means ideas. Thank you for your ideas. She’s asking us for advice, “Tell me what to do”. …She’s asking Abby, and then she’s thanking her, thanking her, “Oh, thank you for telling me your ideas”. Because she thinks Abby will give her a good answer.
Finaly, the signature she signs it. Not her real name. She signs it, “longing for more in Chicago”
“Longing for more in Chicago”. Chicago is a city. Of course. So she lives in Chicago. “Longing for”, to “long for something”, to “long for something” means to really really want something. To want something a lot and think about it a lot. For example, “I long for money”, it means I want money so much I think about money all the time. I dream about money. Or I long for love, it means I think
about love all the time, I want love really really really badly a lot. I really want love a lot. I long for love, or right now I am longing for love. 
She is longing for more means more connection, more feelings with this man. And she lives in Chicago.
Okay listen to this vocabulary lesson everyday. Maybe two times everyday, maybe five times everyday. Keep listening, continue to listen and tell you now all of the vocabulary. Also use a dictionary if you need to. Use a dictionary and translate these words to your language, find hesitate in your dictionary. Find the meaning in your language. That will also help you. 

After you know the vocabulary very well go to the next lesson, the mini story, lesson number one. Okay. See you soon!  

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business. Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.Thank you!

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 1, 2015

Intimacy Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 06]

 Hello. Welcome to the Intimacy vocabulary lesson. Let’s start from the beginning.
A woman writes: “Dear Abby, my husband, James and I have been married only three years.”
So they’ve  got married 3 years ago.
We are both in our 20s.
 “In our twentys” means  they could be 21 years old, or 24, or 29. They are twenty-something years old. That’s what “in our 20s” means. If I say, “I am in my thirtys”. Then it’s very general. Maybe I’m 31. Maybe I 39, maybe I’m 35. I am thirtys-something. I am in my thirtys. They are in their 30s, in their 30s.
She said, “Everything is really great…”
So they have a good relationship
“…Except our sex life.”
So sex between them is not good.
Then she writes, “As far as he is concerned…”
Conc….. “As far as he is concerned” means in his opinion, in his opinion or it can also mean about him. So, about him that’s fine, too. Or in his opinion that’s fine, too.  As far as he is concerned, it means about him, about her husband. The husband thinks the sex life is fine. The husband thinks their sex life is OK.  “As far as he is concerned”. So about him, his opinion it’s fine. But, “as far as she is concerned”, meaning her opinion, about her it’s not fine. 
She says, “I’m not satisfied”  (Not happy).
She says, “ It may seems odd to hear the female  wants to have sex more frequently”.
 “Odd” here means strange, “odd” means strange, strange. It may seems strange, or another word is weird It may seems weird, it may seems strange, it may seems not normal. “odd”,”odd”. Not normal or strange.  
So, “it may seems odd to hear the female  wants to have sex more frequenly”. 
“Frequently”, here “frequently” means offten,offten, frequently. She wants sex more often than him/ She wants sex more frequently than him.
“And he is is a young and healthy male.”
“Male” means man. Of course! So, he is young healthy man, but she wants sex more with him.
She said, “This may seem odd (may seem strange, may seem odd). But that’s the case in our relationship.
“That’s the case”. The “case”, the “case”. Here, the “case” means the situation. The situation. That’s the situation in our relationship.  That’s the case in our relationship, situation,  “the case”, ”the case” means situation . “That’s the case in our relationship”.
Then, the second paragraph she said, “Abby,…”
“Abby” is the woman. She wants help from Abby, answer this letter. She gives advice. So, “Abby” is a name. the woman name.
So, “Abby, I work with the public…”
“Public” means people. Alright. All people, general people. So, fell with the public, you work with people. So, maybe in a store. Alright. People come to the store (many different people). That’s the public. She works with the public. She’s not in office. She works with the people. She’s customer. She sees people at her job.
She said, “I work with the public, a d I get frequent remarks…”
“Frequent remarks”. “Frequent” means… means many times. Many times. Frequent/Many times, Or a lot. Happening a lot. Really many times. It’s the meaning of “frequent”. 
So many times she gets remarks. A “remark” is a common… is a common. “A remark” just mean something, someone said. It’s a word or a sentence. They remark, they remark. So she gets many remarks. Many times people say something to her. 
And she gets remarks, “… about what a beautiful woman I am.”
Ouh. They tell her she is beautiful. Many times people tell her she is beautiful. They say, “Oh, you are so beautiful!” So, this happens a lot.
So, she says, “ This makes it hard for me to believe that I don’t attact him at all.”
Him. “him” is her husband. 
So, she can’t believe 
He doesn’t want me, doesn’t think I’m beautiful. I can’t believe that. Other people say I’m beautiful. So, my husband should think I’m beautiful also. Okay.
Next sentence she said, “I have expressed many times.”
“Express” means say. So, she had said many times. She have expressed many times. “Express” just means “say no” or “to say”. So she had say many times.
She had expressed many times, “that I wish we were more intimate.”
She said to her husband, “I wish we were more intimate.”
“Intimate” means very close. Imotionaly. Alright. It means close felling love or romance. Intimacy or intimate. Here acjective “intimate”: close felling. Sometimes “intimate” means sex. It means really romantic sex. Romantic sex. “Intimate”. “We are intimate” means we are having romantic sex.  ….A lot to her husband I want more romantic sex. I want to be more intimate. Okay.
She said, “I have even expressed this to him. I have even said it to him in more than one letter.
  Uhm… She wrote him letter about this problem. She was hoping to reached him.
To “ reached hime”, to reached someone means they understand you. It means to communicate. So they understand you. They say “I want to reached him” means I wanted to communicate and then he understand me. I want to reached her means I want her to understand me. 
Last paragraph she says, “ I am at a total loss.”
At a total loss. “At a total loss” means I have no more ideas. Means I don’t know what to do. I am at a total loss.  Means I don’t know what to do.. alright. No more ideas. She’s at a total loss about how to make him realize…”
“realize” means understand. Realize/understand. How to make  hime realize how important this is to me.
So she wants her husband to understand that sex is very important for her. But how? How can she make him understand? How can she reach him? 
And then she ask “Abby. She is asking us and she asking Abby, “Is there something wrong with my body? I don’t know who to turn to for advice on this subject”.
“to turn to”, “ turn to” means who to ask. “to turn to someone” means you ask for help. Say, “I trun to my mother for help” means I asked my mother for help. “I turn to my friend for help”, means I ask my friend for help.
she doesn't know who to ask for help. So, she's writing this letter. And finally she says, “please help me.” 
Okay. And she signs it. Her… She signs it. This is not her real name but she signs it “Short on intimacy in Ohio”
“Ohio” is a state in the United States, in America. It's a state, it’s in middle of the country.” Ohio”.  So she lives in Ohio. 
And she says she is “short on intimacy”. “Intimacy (we already talked about) short on”, to be short on something means you don't have enough of something. “I am short on money” means I don't have enough money. “I'm short on food” means I don't have enough food. She is short on intimacy. She doesn't have enough intimacy. She doesn't have enough close romantic feelings or romantic sex with her husband.

Okay that is all. Please listen to this vocabulary lesson many times. Every day and then listen to the mini story.  

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business. Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.Thank you!

Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 1, 2015

Drag Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 05]

Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for Drag. “Drag”, it’s the name of this lesson set. Let’s begin the vocabulary. 
First the title: High Price of mom’s help is drag on family business. Okay, “High price”, alright, it means “cost a lot”. The mom is helping the family business, but it’s…… her help, her cost, meaning her salary, meaning the money they pay Mom is a drag on the business.  Okey, to “be a drag’, a drag on something, or sometimes just “a drag”. “A drag” means you hurt something or you slow something, or you cause a problem for something. For example “ Mom is a drag on the business”, means Mom is causing a problem for the business.  She’s slowing the business, she’s causing a problem for the business. So, a drag. Sometimes we use “a drag” when we talk about personality,  somebody, describe someone. If you say “He is such a drag” or “He is a drag”. In that situation It means not fun, not fun. So, here’s a drag means he is not fun. But here, in this story “drag” means  she is causing problem for the business. She’s *** the business down. 
Okay, let’s start the letter.  So “ Dear Abby, twenty years ago, my sister and I bought a business from our Mother. ” Okay. So,  the Mom had the business. It was the Mom business, later she sole the business to her daughters. So now the daughters own the business, the Mom is not the owner  now.  She was in the past,   now the sisters, the daughters own the business. 
And they love their Mom and their Mom loves them. 
They say, “ We will be finish payin g off the business in two years.” To “pay off” means to finish paying. So we use “pay off” when you must pay for something over time. Maybe every month, you pay some money. For example, if I buy a car, every month, maybe I pay  $200, and in 20 years (huh huh) I will pay off the car, means I pay everything, I pay all of the cost. So, in 2 years they will pay off the business. It means they bought the business from their Mom but they are still paying her money for the business. In two more years they will finish paying her,  they will totally own the business.  
Okay. “ One problem ( or our problem), Mom who is 77 (so the Mom is 77 years old) she still draws a salary ”. “Draws a salary”. Now here, the word “draw”  means “takes” or “ to take” . Alright, you know the meaning of “draw” like you drawing with a pencil. But here the meaning is different, here it means “take” , she still takes a salary. She takes a salary, she gets a salary, she draws a salary. We use the word “darw” sometimes with money, with a salary.  “Salary” means your payment every month from you job, your  pay check every month from your job. So she draws a salary. So the sisters still pay her. They pay her to buy the business, they also pay her a salary like an employee. Maybe $10 per hour. So they pay their Mom for doing work and
they are paying her to buy the business. So they paying her to different things.  
And they said ,“She draws a salary above and beyond the payment for the business. “Above and beyond” means “ more than”, or “also”, or in addiction to , or plus. Alright, She draws a salary plus the payment from the business. So she had the payment and also… Alright, in addiction she had a salary.  So”above and beyond”  means that plus more. Okay. 
Her workload has lessened the greatly… Workload, her workload has lessened.  “Lessened” means getting smaller,getting smaller,getting smaller.  So her workload is gettinh smaller. “Workload” means how much work you do. It’s your jobs at work. If you have a heavy  workload, then you are very busy  at work, you have a lot to do. If you have a light workload, then you are not busy. It’s an easy job. Workload. So now the mom has a light workload. She’s old, she doesn’t do very much. But they’re still paying her every hour. She comes to the business.  
Okay. So they said, “In face, her workload is so light” (so small, so light). “ She could do all of her work in one day ” (so she has very little work at the business now) And if she did every thing in one day, it  would l essened the burden of her salary .  Okay, “lessended” means makes more, makes more. And the “burden”, the burden is something difficult you must do, or something heavy you must carry. Hmm, two meaning’s. So, “ the burden of her salary ”, it means her salary is top , it’s heavy, it’s difficult for the sisters. They must pay their Mom every day, every hour she comes and this is difficult, it cost a lot of money. So, it is a burden, it’s a burden to the sisters. So, they want Mom to work less, they want Mom to work only one day each week. They want Mom to work one day, so they only pay her for one day,  maybe an hour’s , then they can save a lot of money for the business. So that’s why they want Mom to work less. 
But Mom doesn’t like the idea, she says she would go crazy if she retired . “Retired” means stop working. So Mom says, “no no, I will go crazy. I don’t want to work less, I want to come every day”. The sisters don’t want her to retired, they say, “she still come in to the office as often as she wants . She could come every day and do her perso nal, paperwork, banking, letter writing, reading, ect …” So it’s OK for Mom to come, just to social light to talk to them. So, she’s not alone. They say that’s OK but they don’t want to pay her to do her personal work, paperwork, banking. Because “ these are all things she does at work on the clock ” .  Ah, “on the clock “ means when you are working . It means during work time. Okay, during the time you are pay . So Mom has been doing personal work during work time on the clock. So they are paying Mom, but Mom is not helping with the business. She’s writing letters to her friends, she’s reading books, she’s not doing work, but she wants the sisters, the daughters to continue paying her. So it’s a problem!   
They said, “If we try to discuss this, Mom gets hurt ”  Okey, when they tell Mom, “Mom, you’re costing of money and you’re not working”, Mom gets hurt. She says, “ Just let me kn ow when I’m not worth the money”.  “ We don’t want to do that. We hope she would see the fairness of this and suggest it sheself. “ Ah. So the sisters, the daughters they don’t want to fire Mom, they don’t want to make her quit. They hope Mom will understand by herself. But she’s not. 
Okay. Last paragraph . “Business expenses are going through the roof . ” Ok. “Expense” means cost. Alright, money you pay out. The opposite of income. “Income” means money coming in. Expense money going out. So the business cost are going through the roof. “Going through the roof” means going off very fast. Their cost are increasing . Their cost are going off very very fast. So they are losing money. 
“ And there are updates we should make ” .  “Updates” means improvements, improvements. They need to improve the business, make it better.   “ But we can’t do the updates ( They can’t improve) whole we’re paying Mom at the level we are”. So, they can’t continue to pay Mom full time. Because the business is losing money.  They can’t pay her that on top of money for the buy- out.  “On top of” means… aslo, means in a diction, too .  “On top of” means above and beyond, they’re  both mean same thing. “On top of” means in addiction, too. Or plus. Money for the buy-out, “buy-out” means you’re buying a business from someone else. They are buying the business from their Mom. So they say “Oh, it’s too expensive. We mmust pay Mom to buy the business, plus we must pay her salary every hour. “ These too, are too much. We can’t pay for the buy-out on top of her salary, too. It’s too much. 

Okay. That’s all. You use your dictionary. If necessary look at the text, you use your dictionary and review the words. Llisten to this lesson many times.      


This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business. Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.Thank you!

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 1, 2015

Changed Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 04]

Hello! This is A.J. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for Changed. Okay, let’s start.
In the beginning, the woman writes: “ My husband of 39 years ( So they have been married 39 years) . My husban d of 39 years no longer hugs me…”
“No longer” means not any more. “No longer” means in the past, yes, in the past he did it , in the past he did, but now he does not. So he’s no longer hugs me. “Hugs”, “hugs” means hold (H-O-L-D). Right, “hug” means to hold someone that you like or love. To hug. Okey, so, “her husband does not hug her any more.” 
“…n o longer hugs me or show me any affection . ”
“Affection”, “affection” means kindness, love. Usually affection means touching, touching somehow , maybe kissing, maybe hugging, maybe holding, those are all affection, “affection”.  So “affection” means how you show your love, kissing, hugging, holding hands, those are all affection. Ok so” no more affection from him.”
She said, “ I have seen him through cancer and diabetes. ”
“Diabetes”, “Diabetes”, diabetes is a blood sugar. Desease. Blood sugar, desease, blood sugar  problem. Cancer… probably we know cancer, cancer is a serious desease, serious desease. Hurt to your cure (cure: c-u-r-e,  c-u-r-e). So cancer is hurt to your cure, difficult to cure.
So her husband in the past, in the past he had cancer and diatetes. She said, “ I have seen him through , seen him through cancer and diatetes.”
Okey, to “see someone through”  means you helped them with. Alright, it means stayed with them, you stayed with them and you helped them. So “I have seen him through cancer” means I stayed with him and helped him when he had cancer.  Ok, When he had cancer I did not leave. I stayed and I helped him. That’s what “See him through” or “Seen him through” means.
For example I might say, “My mom saw me through many deseases.” Ok. When I was a child, I was sick, my mom saw me through those deseases. Alright.She stayed with me, she took care of me, she helped me, she saw me through. Ok!
So this wife saw him through cancer and diabetes. She stayed with him, she helped him.  Learn the hook phrase “to see someone through. “
Alright! Don’t worry about each word. Each word, you think *** I don’t understand!  Hhhaha.  Alright, just remember the  hook phrase (the three
words together).  To see someone through something, some problem, see someone though problem.
Okay! She said ,  “we have four grown chirldren… .” (okay, the chirldren are older now, they’re adults) “.. . and we have been seeing a therapist for a year and a half. ” 
“A therapist” , a therapist is a professional helper. Maybe a  *** , maybe a family canceler . So, a therapist help you with your problems. You talk to them and they help you.  So maybe if you feel bad, you say “oh I feel bad, I’m sad” and the therapist talk to you, help you feel better.
So, the husband and the wife are going to a therapist, seeing a therapist.
“Seeing”, here “seeing” means meeting (m-e-e-t), meeting or going to. Alright, so sometimes the…the verb “see” has a different meaning. It means to meet or to go to. Sometimes it means to date (like a man or a woman. alright, so I’m seeing her means I’m dating her, going with her, I’m meeting her a lot). So they’re meeting a therapist a lot. They’re seeing a therapist.
They started a year and a half ago. They go, they say, “we have problems. Please help us”. Okay!
So she … then she said,  “ he is kind, generous and fiendly. Ok so her husband is nice. But there are no compliments. ”
“Compliments”, “compliments”. A compliment is a nice word or sentence about someone. You say something nice to someone. For example, you say “oh, you are very beautiful!” okay? That’s sentence. “you are very beautiful!” That is a compliment. Alright. Something nice you say to another person, it’s a compliment. So her husband does not say nice things to her now. Not any more, no more compliments.
And also she said , “ there are no compliments or any of the  flirtatious banter we use to enjoy. ”
“Banter”, “banter” means fun conversation, not serious, not serious. “banter” is not serious conversation. Banter is fun conversation. And maybe funny conversation.
“Flirtatious”, Okay this come from “flirt”. To flirt verb. To flirt means to attract the opposite sex. E.G, a man talks to a woman because she is beautiful. He say “oh, I like you. You are pretty! Come to dinner with me”. Ok that, we call that flirting, flirting. Talking to someone you want a date with. Talking to someone you are acttacting to, someone you like. So flirtatious (it’s an adjective), so “flirtatious banter”, the phrase . Flirtatious banter means fun conversation about dating or about affection, or maybe about sex. That’s flirtatious banter.  It’s plain… plain with conversation. With someone you like. Maybe husband and wife . maybe woman and man. We call that flirtatious banter.  fun conversation between a man and a woman. Okay! So, but that’s not, that’s not happening now.
Finally last pargraphe, she said, “He swears he’s not having an affair.” 
Ok the verb to “swear” . To “swear”, here to swear means to promise, to promise . so he promises he’s not having an affair. He swears. “Swear” has another meaning. So be careful. “Swear” also means to say  bad word like “shit”. If you say “shit” then you are swearing. So that’s the second meaning. But here, here “swear” means to promise, to promise. “ He pr omises, he swears he’s not having an affair ”. Okay!
An affair, an affair is… means, an affair means dating another person when you are married. So if you are married but you have another girlfriend or boyfriend, then you are having an affair. Okay? So, an affair means seeing an extra girlfriend, or boyfriend.  Or meeting an extra girlfriend or boyfriend. That’s having an affair. We use the verb “having an affair” . So he promises he’s not having an affair. He doesn’t having another woman.
And he doesn’t know why he has changed. He doesn’t know why he’s not showing  affection, he’s not fun with this wife any more. He doesn’t know why.
And then finally she says, “Herhaps you do?”
 “You” meaning Abby. Alright, or us hhhhhh. Us, the people reading the letter. Perhaps we know.    This *** question. 
Okay that is all, that is all of the vocabulary.  
She sign this: GRACE IN PHOENIX . “Grace” is a woman’s name. okay! GRACE is a name. Phoenix is a city. Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona is a State, Phoenix is a city. And Phoenix, Arizona is in the Southwest part of the United States. So, she lives in Phoenix, Arizona.
Okay, that is all of the vocabulary lesson. Listen to it many times. Bye!      

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business. Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.Thank you!

Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 1, 2015

Bubba’s Food Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 03]

Bubba’s Food Vocabulary

Hello! Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for Bubba’s food. Let’s begin.  Let’s start.

First, we see, “ Sarah Smith, who lives in San Francisco , went shopping for cat food. ”
Okay! “ Who lives in San Francisco ” . “Who” means “Sarah”. Right! Sarah Smith. Sarah lives in San Francisco. Who lives in San Francisco . Ok, so “who” is same as “Sarah”. Ok! It’s Sarah.
So, Sarah lives in San Francisco, she went shopping for cat food (in the past she went shopping),  “ Sarah is 30 ; Thirty years old, her age is thirty.  She lives at 3037 Market Street .”
Okay. That is her address. Alright, her apartment is 3037 Market St. Her house: 3037 Market St. Okay!
“ She has lived there since 1990 ” . 
So starting in 1990, she lived in that house until now. From 1990 until now (That’s why we say “has lived, has lived” ). Since 1990; starting in 1990 until now.

“ Sarah is married. She married to a man named John.  She has been married for seven years ” (again “has been”, “has been”). Starting 7 years ago until now. All right, she married 7 years ago. Seven years in the past until now. So, has been married.

Okay, “ Her husband John, and Sarah have 2 children and one very big cat ” . (Okey? Two children, one big cat). “ Their son Bob is 5 years old, their daughter Nancy is 3, (3 years old). Their cat, Bubba, is 2 years old (so, Bubba is 2). Bubba is huge ”.
“Huge”. “Huge” means very, very, very big.  So Bubba is a very very big cat. Bubba is huge. Giant! very, very very big. Very, very, very big.  He is huge! Bubba is huge. Huge, huge, super big, huge. 

“ Bubba weighs 258 pounds ” . Oh, it’s super huge.  258 pounds, he weighs, weighs 258 pounds. That is 117 kilos (Kg: kilograms). 117 kilograms ;258 pounds.  A super big, huge cat (Bubba is a huge cat). 
Ok, “At 9AM (9 in the morning; at 9AM;  9 in the morning) Sara got into her car and drove to the pet store  (get out we're talking in past, past: this happened or ready finished) .“
“ Sara got into her car and drove ”. Alright. past of “drive”. So, now I drive. Yesterday I drove, I drove, yesterday I drove. Now I get into my car. Yesterday I got into my car. 
Okay. So, “ Sarah drove to the pet store.  She bought 68 bags of cat food ” .
“Bought”, alright. Now I buy, yesterday I bought. Bought. So, she bought 68 bags of cat food. Wow! Sixty-eight bags of cat food for ten dollars each plus tax. They were ten dollars each. Each bag of cat food was $10. Cost $10.
“ The regular price …”
“Regular” means normal. So, the normal price, the regular price. 
“ The regular/normal price was $15 .  So, she got a good deal . ” 
“Got a good deal”. To “get a good deal” means to find, to get a good price, it means you pay less than normal. Alright, normal price was $15, she paid only $10. So she got a good deal.  Okay, We use this… many times, it’s a normal phrase. To get a good deal. Say “Ah, I got a good deal” means a good price. You pay less than normal. 
Okey, she got a good deal. “ The total was $680. ” Right? 68 bags, $10 each, the total was $680. 
“She paid by Credit card”. 
She used her credit card. Here we say “pay by credit card” or “pay with a credit card”. So she paid by credit card or she pay with a credit card, alright, “with a”. “By credit card” Or “with a credit card”. 
“ She paid by credit card ” . “ On her way home , Sarah stop at the convenience store to buy milk. “
“On her way home” means while coming home or during her trip home. Alright, so it’s at the same time. While she is coming home, she first stops at a convenience store. So “on her way home”, meaning at she traveled home, at she came home, while she came home. Ok same meaning, all of those, same.
So, “ on her way home, she stopped at the convenience store to buy milk.  Bubba loves milk. The milk was $3 for 1 gallon , and Sarah bought 30 gallons .
One gallon is about 4 liters. Okay. So, one gallon about 4 liters . She bought 30 gallons of milk for Bubba.
“She paid $100 total and got $10 back in change”. Ok, here “to get back” means.. ehh... return  to you. So, she gave, she paid $100 and then received, received  $10. Return. Alright, so she gave $100 and then, she paid too much, so, they gave her $10 back. She got $10 back. She received $10 back to her.  to her again. 
Okay. So, “she got $10 back in change ” .  “In change”, “in change” means the extra money. extra money she paid. The cost is $90. She paid $100, so, $10 change, right? So she got $10 back in change.
Okay, “Sarah got home at 11 am ”
Okay. Here "got" means a return . right. Came, she got home, she returned home, she arrived home. Same basic meaning.
“ She got home at 11am. Bubba was waiting at the door ”
At the same time, right it? She got home , Bubba was waiting. This two are at the same time. So “was waiting” “waiting” . 
“ Bubba was waiting at the door.  He was very very hungry ” . 
So, “she got home at 11am, and Bubba was waiting at the door. He was very hungry”.

Okay, that is all of the vocabulary for this lesson. Listen to this lesson every day until you know all of the vocabulary. Also, you use your dictionary if yo don’t understand a word. You use you dictionary. Okay, next lesson is the mini-story.      

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business.Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.
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A Kiss Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 02]

A Kiss Vocabulary

Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for A Kiss. Ok, Let’s start!
“ Carlos buys a new car. It’s a very expensive. It’s a huge , blue, fast  car. ”
“Huge”, “huge” means very very big, super big. So it’s huge. “Huge”. “Huge” means very very big, very very very big. It’s a very very big car. It’s a huge car.
“ While driving down the street, he sees a girl …”
So “while” means at the same time. Same time driving down the street. Seen the  girl same time. They happen at the same time.
So while driving down the street, Carlos sees a girl on a bicycle. Ok! He yells to her, “What’s up!”
“ What’s up ” is a common way to say “Hello”. We say “ what’s up”, “What’s up?”. It’s very popular to say “what’s up?” They often say “hello” if you have a friend, you see your friend, someone you know you say  ”what’s up!”. When I see my friends sometimes I say “what’s up?” It means “Hello” or “how are you?” What’s up! What’s up!
So Carlos says, “What’s up” to the girl but she ignores him.
To “ignore” means you don’t listen to someone. And you don’t pay attention to someone. You don’t look at them, you don’t listen to them. That’s “ignore”. Say he ignored her means he did not listen to her, he did not look at her, he ignored her. Or ignores (present), ignores. She ignores Carlos. She does not look at Carlos, she does not listen to Carlos. She ignores him.
And then Carlos yells, “ How’s it going?”
“How’s it going?”, “How’s it going” means how are you.  “How are you?” We often say “ How’s it going” or “How’s it going”. The last sound “gơ”, sometimes “j”, “going”, “going”. Sometimes no “g” , “going”, “going” . The same meaning just different  Pronunciation. So, “How’s it going” means how are you.

So he yells to her, “How’s it going?” . “ She keeps walking and ignores him. ”
“Keeps”, here “keeps” means continues. “Keep” has another meaning. “Keep” can mean something else. But here, in this article “keeps” means “continues”. “Continues”. She continues walking; she keeps walking. OK! Keeps and continues.
So “ she keeps walking and she ignores him ” . He yells, “Hey, why won’t you talk to me?”
Ok “won’t” means will not. “Why will you not talk to me?” - (it’s what he saying). But in normal speech, normal speaking, we don’t say “will not”, we usually say “won’t”. “I won’t go to the store” means “I will not go to the store”, and it’s future, right, future.
So he asks her, “Why won’t you talk to me ” , “ Why will you not talk to me?” And he says, “I want to go to dinner with you” (He want a date, he want to go to a restaurant with her). He says, “I’ll take you to an expensive restaurant”  (not a cheap restaurant, alright! He want to take her to an expensive restaurant).  
Finally, the girl turns and looks at him and she says, “I don’t want to go to dinner, but… ” - she says, “ If you give me your c ar, I will give you a surprise”. 
Oh , “give me your car and I’ll give you a surprise”. So , “if you give me your car … ” So, he has to do that first, the first action and then the… if that happen, then she will give him a surprise.
Carlos says , “Ok!”  because she’s beautiful, he jumps out of the car, he gives her the keys and he says, “Here are the keys”. 
Okay, “here are the keys”, when you say “here is the book”, “here are the keys”. We say “here is…” or “here are…” when we give something to someone, “Here is the key”, “Here is the money”, “Here are the keys”.
Okay, so Carlos gives the keys to the beautiful blond girl. The beautiful blond girl takes the keys and then kisses Carlos on the cheek .
“Cheek” is the side of your face, right? So she kisses Carlos on the side of his face, on the cheek “muah” , okay, just on the cheek.
Then she jumps into the car and drives away. Carlos stands on the sidewalk. 
Now, “sidewalk” is next to the street ,alright! It’s where people walk. So the street, the street is for cars, cars and buses only and the sidewalk next to the street, right? Sidewalk, where people walk, side of the street.
Ok, so he stands on the sidewalk. And now he has no car and no girl. He says, “ That’s it ! Just a kiss on the cheek?”
Ok, “That’s it!”, “That’s it?”, “that’s it” means there is no more, there is nothing more, nothing more is coming, nothing more to get, nothing more to do. So basically means finish. So he says, “That’s it”, it means he only got a kiss, he will not get more from her, he will not get something else, only a kiss, “that’s it ”. Sometimes we say “that’s all”, “that’s all”, same meaning. “That’s all” or “That’s it” means totally finish. In a restaurant, you will use this, when you finish eating, the waiter or the waitress will come and ask you “ Do you want something else?”, “Do you want more food?”, “Do you want more drinks”  if you’re finished you say “That’s it!”, “That’s it” means we are finished eating, we don’t want more food, we don’t want more drinks, alright, we are finished, bring the check, bring the bill. So, at the end when you finished eating in the restaurant tell the waiter “That’s it!” alright? Means you’re finished.
Ok and then he says, “That’s it, just a kiss on the cheek?”. Then he gets on her bike (he gets on the girl bicycle, bicycle or bike, same) and he drives home.  Poor Carlos!

Ok, that’s it! That’s it! The lesson is finished. The vocabulary lesson is finished. That’s it!

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business.Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán.
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Day of the Dead Vocabulary [Effortless English DVD1 > LV1 > 01]

Day of the Dead Vocabulary


OK! This is the vocabulary for Day of the dead. 

So, the day of the dead, “ I arrive in Guatemala on the Day of the Dead, Movember first.  I’m curious about this holiday …”

“Holiday” is the normal word we use for a festival. Some people say “festival” but “holiday” is more common. Christmas is a holiday. Halloween is a holiday. So “holiday” is… common word, the most common word we use. 

Ok. So I say, “ I’m curious about this holiday. So I go to the cemetery ”. Cemetery is a place for dead people. Many, many dead people in a cemetery.  So that’s what a cemetery. That’s right, the place for dead people. “Cemetery”. So large area. Usually, large place. “Cemetery”. 

Ok, the next paragraph I say, “ The atmosphere is like a party”. Here,  “atmosphere” means the… the general feeling of a place. For example, I might say, “this house has a happy atmosphere”, all right, it means the place has a happy feeling.  Maybe it’s a very warm, maybe a lot of nice people there. Many reasons. But “atmosphere” means the feeling of a place, a place. “The atmosphere”. So, the cemetery had an atmosphere, a feeling like a party.  

“Many people everywhere. And people were sitting around the graves of their dead ancestors”. A "grave”, “a grave” is a place where one dead person is buried. Alright, one dead person is in a grave, one dead body  in a grave.  Many graves in a cemetery. Alright! So a cemetery has many, many graves. So each grave has one body, and then many graves in a cemetery. 
Ok, “They’re sitting around the graves of their dead ancestorsAn "ancestor". "Ancestor" is a person who comes before you in your family. For example, your grandfather or grandmother is an ancestor, or your great-grandmother is an ancestor.  So, all the people in your family older than you, (you know)  who came before you, these people are your ancestors. Ancestors, ancestors. They say “ers”, ancestors.  

Okay, “They clean the graves and add fresh flowers (the families clean the graves). And I walk around through the cemetery and I admire (I appreciate, I like, I admire) the beauty of all the colorful flowers. There is also color in the sky because many kid s …”
“Kids” means children. So many children many kids are flying kites.

“Kites” are paper or plastic and with a string and you fly them in the wind. Usually children fly kites. Kites. 

“ Some families are having a picnic next to the graves. "Picnic" is when you eat outside. Alright. Eat outside with many people. That is a picnic. A picnic. 

Okay, “The people they eat, drink and chat together. They laugh and they smile. This is different than the United States . In the United States cemeteries are always somber . ”. 
“Somber” means very serious. Serious. Somber. Serious and not fun. Alright!  Serious and not fun. “Somber”, “somber”. So, in America, in the United States cemeteries are somber. They are somber. Very serious, not fun. “somber”.

“ And  we certainly , we never have festival or parties next to graves. We don’t laugh or play music or fly kites in cemeteries either. ”
Then I say, I find that I prefer the Guatemalan approach . ”
“I find that”. Here “find” means realize. I realize that I prefer the Guatemalan approach. I find, I realize. I find that I prefer. I realize that I prefer. I understand that I prefer. OK, so here “find” has a different meaning than normal, a little bit.
So, “ I find that I prefer the Guatemalan approach. ”
“Approach”, here “approach” means way, ok? I prefer the Guatemalan way. The Guatemalan method. I prefer the Guatemalan way. I prefer the Guatemalan approach. OK?
“ I like the way they remember and celebrate those who have passed away .”
“Passed away”.  “To passed away” means “to die”. It’s very polite. Very polite and very soft way to say “die”. So if someone… someone’s mother dies, you can say, “I’m sorry your mother passed away”, “I’m sorry you mom passed away”, “I’m sorry she died”, “I’m sorry she passed away”. Passed away is softer and more polite. 

Okay.Next sentence I say, “ I like that they acknowledge death.”
“Acknowledge” means to recognize. To see and recognize.

“Instead of denying it…”
“Deny” is the opposite of "acknowledge". Deny means avoid to say “no” to  something. To avoid something. It’s to deny it, to deny it. The opposite of "deny" is "acknowledge". Acknowledge and deny. Opposite.
Okay! So, they don’t denying death, “ the way American do. I like the there is life, as well as death in their cemeteries. Guatemalans call it “The day of the dead”, but it is also a day to appreciate life.”
“Appreciate” means celebrate. Ah… to understand and like something. So to appreciate. 

Okay. That is all of the vocabulary. Listen to the vocabulary lesson a few times. Read the text several times. Listen to the audio article a few times, and then finally listen to the mini-story many, many times. A lot  every day. Okay!

This vocabulary is typed by MT.Dang. Please do not use it in business
Nội dung bài Vocabulary được gõ lại bởi MT Dang. Vui lòng không sử dụng lại với mục đích kinh doanh - mua bán. 
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